Police Enforcement Policy and Programmes on European Roads (PEPPER). Workpackage WP5 `Dissemination', Working paper 32: Report on 2nd PEPPER Seminar.

Gaitanidou, E. & Janitzek, T.

The second PEPPER Seminar was held in Madrid on the 22nd November 2007. The Seminar was very successful, attracting the participation of experts from several fields related to road safety and enforcement. The aim of the Seminar, to disseminate the project concept, diffuse preliminary findings of the project and get feedback and comments from the participants, was reached by presenting results of the project and links to related initiatives, through seven presentations, as well as the raising discussion with the participants on the addressed topics. (Author/publisher) For the project website, and other reports, see http://www.vtt.fi/sites/pepper/

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Library number
20080341 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Transport and Energy (TREN)], 2008, 44 p.; Contract No. 019744

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