Policy framework for utilisation : a pillar of better accessibility.


The goals and frameworks for traffic and transport policy for the Netherlands to 2020 are described in the Mobility Document. Whereas government policy previously viewed mobility as a problem or as something permissible, the assumption is now that mobility is a must. Mobility, for people as well as goods, is a prerequisite for society and the economy to function well. The Mobility Document contains ambitious goals to deal with current and anticipated traffic and transport problems: door to door, faster, cleaner and safer. Three interrelated pillars are to help achieve these goals: Building, Road pricing and Utilisation. Work is being done on the Building and Road pricing pillars; Utilisation is elaborated further in this policy framework. Based on previous results, utilisation is expected to bring the ambitions of the Mobility Document closer. Depending on the specific measure, utilisation will allow some of the mobility problems to be addressed quickly, flexibly and cost-effectively. Utilisation can also be effective for other problems in combination with Building and Road pricing. For this reason, a policy framework for utilisation measures was promised to the Dutch House of Representatives on 18 October 2006. The Policy Framework for Utilisation is an elaboration of the Mobility Document for the 2008-2020 period and aims for faster, cleaner, safer travel from door to door. The purpose of this policy framework is to describe the direction of development of utilisation, in terms of content as well as process, to indicate actions that are required and to provide perspective on the expected effects. The policy framework is in line with current developments or plans, caters to new opportunities (technological and otherwise), encourages the innovative potential of the market and provides room for joint ventures between the government and the market. It will result in actions for the short term and provide direction for activities and developments for the longer term. Chapter 2 describes the policy background for utilisation, the Mobility Document. Chapter 3 analyses the accessibility issue. Chapter 4 describes the problem experienced by road users and addresses the services provided by market parties to road users. Utilisation is defined in chapter 5, partly in relation to Building and Road pricing. Relevant developments to the elaboration of Utilisation are given in chapter 6. Chapter 7 presents the vision of Utilisation. This vision is based on the preceding chapters and will be elaborated along four tracks. The policy framework concludes with an implementation strategy. Specific actions are indicated in appendix 1 to this policy framework. Appendix 2 contains an explanation of terms and abbreviations. Relevant literature references are formulated in the original (Dutch) language when no English translation is known. (Author/publisher)

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20100131 ST [electronic version only]

Den Haag, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, 2008, 60 p.

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