Pour et contre l'inspection technique.

Malschaert, F.P.

In those countries where there is none, compulsory technical inspection is advocated by some and considered with suspicion or animosity by others. There where technical inspection has been well and honestly organised, suspicion and animosity change into trust and favourable appraisal. The author sets forth and then refutes those arguments against technical inspection which are sometimes used in good faith. For the sake of lucidity, arguments against inspection are briefly stated and refutations summarised in the column in the summary. After having drawn attention to the fact that, from country to country, technical inspection varies in juridical form, internal organisation and importance, the author ends up with a list of requirements for success. (A)

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981611 a ST (In : ST 981611)

In: Inspection technique, 1963, Aspects techniques de la sécurité routière, numero spécial Bulletin d'Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A. No. 15, 8 p.

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