Prae-advies voor de congresdag van de Vereniging Het Nederlandsche Wegencongres op 16 December 1955 te Utrecht.


Preliminary advices are given by two authors. In the first report the author criticizes the proposed distribution formula for governmental payments to the provinces appropriated for the construction, maintenance and improvement of secondary and tertiary project roads, and non-project roads. The second report gives a review of the policy to road construction, maintenance and improvement, and discusses the financial problems, and comments the proposed law with respect to the financing policy. W.I.C. van Veelen. Enige bechouwingen ten aanzien van de verdelingsformule in het rapport d.d. 8 nov. 1954 van de Commissie herstel financiële zelfstandigheid van gemeenten en prov.

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Den Haag, Vereniging het Nederlandsche Wegencongres, 1955, 31 p.

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