Predicting stop-and-go traffic noise levels.

Bowlby, W. Wayson, R.L. & Stammer Jr., R.E.

This report presents development of a methodology to predict stop-and-go traffic noise levels through use of the STAMINA 2.0 computer program. The methodology may be applied to signalized and unsignalized (signed) intersections or areas of speed change such as highway ramps. However, it was not developed for use in areas of unstable flow or in reverberant urban street canyons. Both of these restrictions are largely due to limitations in the STAMINA code. Zones of influence are defined where acceleration or deceleration cause a change in sound levels. Equivalent constant speeds were developed to produce the desired changes in level relative to cruise. New field data, primarily heavy truck emission levels, were collected. The methodology produced levels within one dB of measurements at two validation sites, although more validation and emission level data collection are recommended.


Library number
901376 ST S

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB, 1989, 103 p., ref.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP ; Report 311 - ISSN 0077-5614 / ISBN 0-309-04608-4

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