The prediction of trends of road transport safety.

Basta, V. & Slamka, J.

Present trends in road transport, mainly after joining The Czech Republic to the European Union, can be described as very intensive. Because economy of the Czech Republic aims for co-operation with states of EU, in area of road transport one can see significant increase in lorry operations. Accompanying effect of this advancement is systematic growth of traffic accidents which is large economical, social and ecological onus of whole society. Primary goal in area of road transport safety should be radical decrease of number of persons killed by traffic on land routes, traffic accidents with serious consequences but also total number of traffic accidents. To reach mentioned goal is necessary to know advancement of road traffic and also accident rate into future. Present mathematical-static methods allow make competent estimation of road traffic advancement. By fact that accident rate is influenced by many factors that affect each other is necessary to verify used method by using statistic data gathered by state authorities which work in area of road traffic. In the sphere of safety and fluency of operations on land routes is controlled by Ministry of Interior and Police of Czech Republic according to Act No. 12/1997 Coll. about safety and fluency of road traffic. Act No. 361/2000 Coll. about operations on land routes article § 124 designates tasks to Police of Czech Republic during its supervision on safety and fluency on land routes. Among these tasks belong investigation of traffic accidents and keeping files about accidents. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20071301 ST [electronic version only]

Pardubice, University of Pardubice, Jan Perner Transport Faculty, 2007, 8 p., 5 ref.

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