The preliminary design of many-to-few dial-a-bus services.

Tunbridge, R.J. & Mitchell, C.G.B.

Dial-a-bus is a term used to describe a form of demand activated road-based public transport. a common type of dial-a-bus service is one which links a service area to a few major trip attractors. This is known as a "many-to-few" type of operation and such an operation normally has no fixed routes, bus stops or timetables. In order to design such a service to operate without fixed stops, a method is required for estimating the time required to collect or set-down given numbers of passengers in a particular service area. This report provides estimates of the distances to be travelled to connect different numbers of collection or set-down points in service areas of different sizes and shapes. This information allows the round-trip time, the required vehicle capacity and hence the productivity of the dial-a-bus service to be estimated for an assumed level of demand. Mean tour distances, and standard deviations have been calculated for three different operating strategies for service areas of a number of sizes and shapes. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 39718 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 228771

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1977, 21 p., 5 ref.; TRRL Laboratory Report ; LR 789

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