Prevention of head injuries to car occupants : an investigation of interior padding options.

McLean, A.J. Fildes, B.N. Kloeden, C.N. Digges, K.H. Anderson, R.W.G. Moore, V.M. & Simpson, D.A.

Head injuries to car occupants resulting from crashes on Australian roads are a major cause of death and permanent brain damage. This report evaluates the benefits that would be likely to accrue from the use of padding materials to reduce the severity of impacts to the head. A review of the international literature was conducted to examine the range of possible countermeasures, with particular reference to padding the upper interior of the passenger compartment. Three sets of data analyses were then carried out: first, a summary of objects typically struck by the head in a representative sample of crashes; secondly, an examination of actual brain injuries sustained in a sample of crashes, and an assessment of likely outcomes had the objects struck by the head been padded; and finally, a HARM analysis to estimate the cost of head injuries and the likely financial benefits from various countermeasures. Results indicate that there is considerable potential for reducing the severity and consequences of impacts to the head by padding the upper interior of the passenger compartment. The total annual benefit of this measure, in terms of reduced HARM, would be about $123 million, or $154 per car (with a 5 percent discount rate). However, an even greater level of protection would be provided by the use of protective headwear. The total benefits associated with headwear in the form of a soft shell bicycle helmet were estimated to be $380 million (assuming a fully airbag equipped fleet), or $476 per car ($626 for cars without airbags). (A)

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Library number
C 15725 [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 899450

Canberra, ACT, Federal Office of Road Safety FORS, 1997, IX + 81 p., 110 ref.; Report No. CR 160 - ISSN 0810-770X / ISBN 0-642-51349-X

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