Prioritisation process for funding of competing transport related projects (Auckland perspective).

Martins, A.

Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) is committed to a process of ôfair and transparent decision-makingö in regard to the allocation of National Land Transport funds (NLTF) that are available to support new projects and initiatives. This paper outlines the process which will be used by the Planning and Programming (P&P) team in relation to that funding allocation. Currently, the regional prioritisation tool - ôThe Best Use of Available Resources: An approach to prioritisationö is AucklandÆs regional tool for decision-making. The principles for this regional tool are: 1. Seriousness and urgency of the transport problem; 2. Effectiveness of the proposed activity; 3. Economic efficiency of the scheme (calculation of benefit cost ratio). The process we have developed therefore includes adherence to these principles and has been refined to take account of lessons learned over the past three years of preparing and funding the Auckland regional land transport programme. The process outlined in this paper describes ARTAÆs rigorous approach to project prioritisation principles and criteria designed to help direct available resources towards projects that will address the regionÆs most pressing transport challenges. (a) For the covering record of the conference, please refer to ITRD no. E218380.

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C 48695 (In: C 48649 [electronic version only]) /10 / ITRD E218383

In: ATRF 2009 : proceedings of the 32nd Australasian Transport Research Forum: the growth engine: interconnecting transport performance, the economy and the environment, Auckland, New Zealand, 29 September-1 October 2009, Session Tues 1d, 17 p.

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