Privatization of roads and urban congestion : introductory reports.


This report refers to two sessions of the Kuala Lumpur Congress. The theme of the Ministers' Session is "Is privatization of road infrastructure the answer for accelerated road development in the 21st century?" The issues surrounding road financing are explored on the basis of the user pays principle and the social effects of the toll. While the road operating authority seeks to maximise the cost benefit ratio, the needs of different social groups may necessitate lower tolls. The effects of changed behaviour, including diversion onto unsuitable roads or trip cancellation, are considered. The theme for the session on major cities is "Urban congestion: traffic restraint or more roads". The benefits of traffic restraint are outlined but the requirement for less developed cities to build more roads is acknowledged. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118727.

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Library number
C 27251 (In: C 27238 CD-ROM) /10 /72 / ITRD E118740

In: Proceedings of XXIst World Road Congress held Kuala Lumpur, 3-9 October 1999, CD-ROM, 20 p.

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