Proceedings of the 2008 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Bern (Switzerland), September 17-19, 2008.


This conference contains presentations in the following sections: Bertil Aldman memorial lecture on Dose-response models and EDR data for assessment of injury risk and effectiveness of safety systems; investigating frontal impacts and rollovers (4 papers); biomechanics of thorax and head injuries (5 papers); considering pre-crash situations (3 papers); investigating front and side impacts (3 papers); analysing pedestrian impacts (5 papers); testing biomechanical response (3 papers); investigating spinal injuries(4 papers); short presentations (6 papers); and demonstration (9 papers). For abstract of some of the papers see C 49806 - C 49847 (ITRD E144230 to E144272).

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Library number
C 49805 CD-ROM /80 /84 /91 / ITRD E144229

Bron, International Research Council on Biomechanics of Impacts IRCOBI, 2008, CD-ROM

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