Proefkoppeling van het kentekenbestand aan het ongevallenbestand : rapport over de opzet en resultaten van een proefkoppeling van voertuiggegevens aan ongevallengegevens.

Lindeijer, J.E.

By linking the vehicle registration file to the road accident file a number of important vehicle characteristics could be added to the accident record.In this report such a linkage was tested on the basis of the 1981 fatal accident reports. Based on the conformity found the validity of the linking by vehicle registration number was found to be 94% and the reliability at least 95%.


Library number
B 23596 [electronic version only] /81/ IRRD 279696

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1983, 40 p., tab.; R-83-47

SWOV publication

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