Proposal for a point demerit system in Hungary.

Twisk, D.A.M. & Wittink, R.D.

This study was commissioned by the Hungarian Research Institute KTI. The study reviews the international literature on point demerit systems. The aim is to develop a proposal for a point demerit system in Hungary. This system should be designed in such a way that it will have the greatest possible contribution to traffic safety in Hungary. The point demerit system is intended to serve as a supplement to methods of enforcing the traffic regulations. In addition to a fine or other penalty which a road user may receive for a traffic offence, points are also allocated. The decision has already been made that the road user's driving licence will be retracted for a period of time, when a maximum number of points is exceeded. The system should therefore only apply to drivers who need a licence to operate their vehicle. The prevention of offences is considered as the primary objective of the point system to be developed.


Library number
C 2840 [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 866223

Leidschendam, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 1994, 35 + 4 p., 33 ref.; R-94-13

SWOV publication

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