Psychology of drivers in traffic accidents.

Preston, C.E. & Harris, S.

50 automobile drivers whose driving involved them in accidents serious enough to require hospitalisation were paired with 50 drivers without accident histories but matched according to sex, approximate age, race, and educational level. The subjects of the study (Ss) were compared on the basis of their driving experiences and performance on written tests. The accident victims differed from the comparisons Ss in a higher incidence of previous traffic violations but were not distinguishable from the comparison Ss on any written tests. The accident Ss were similar to the "safe" drivers in describing themselves as much closer to "expert" than "very poor" on a driving performance continuum. In fixing the responsibility for the accidents, the accident Ss' reports are at considerable variance with police reports. (A)

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Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 49 (1965), No. 4 (August), p. 284-288, 10 ref.

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