A qualitative assessment methodology for road safety policy strategies.

Wong, S.C. Leung, B.S.Y. Loo, B.P.Y. Hung, W.T. & Lo, H.K.

This paper proposes a qualitative assessment methodology that is comprised of a cluster analysis and an autoregression analysis that assess the effects of various road safety strategies implemented in Hong Kong over the last 10 years. The cluster analysis is first used to group over a hundred road safety projects and programs into a smaller set of meaningful road safety policy strategy clusters. These strategies, together with the trend factor, seasonal pattern, car crashworthiness and meteorological data are then used in the autoregression analysis to relate to the fatality and casualty rates of drivers, passengers, motorcyclists, and pedestrians. This method allows the evaluation of the overall effects of the road safety strategies, and the effects and relative significance of each individual strategy. The evaluation method is described, and the main findings of the study are discussed. (A) "Reprinted with permission from Elsevier".

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Library number
I E120766 /73 /80 / ITRD E120766

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2004 /03. 36(2) Pp281-93 (41 Refs.)

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