Rapport betreffende de bepaling der onderscheiden snelheden ter vaststelling van de wenselijkheid van de toepassing van verkeersdrempels. (Report regarding the determination of different speeds to fix the desirability of the application of road humps...


To determine situations in which the application of road humps is desirable for reducing speed, it is necessary to distinguish eight kinds of speed: (1) speed, regulated by the law, (2) speed justified by traffic engineering, (3) speed justified by the technology of the vehicle. (4) traffic theoretical speed, (5) design speed, (6) ecologically desirable speed, (7) individually desired speed and (8) actual speed of driving. In this report most attention is given to the following speed categories: (1) the speed as regulated by the law, (2) the speed justified by traffic engineering, (3) the design speed, (4) the ecologically desirable speed and (5) the actual speed of driving. Knowledge of these five categories of speed is necessary to judge if it is desirable to place road humps. Because design speed and ecologically desirable speed are relatively unknown, they are discussed in greater detail. For part I see B 15778.

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Library number
B 15779 /21 /71.1 /72.3 /73.3 /85 / IRRD 245417

Utrecht, gemeente Utrecht, Verkeersdienst, 1977, 14 p. + app., 8 fig.

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