Rapport inzake het verstrekken van verkeersongevallen-gegevens door de VOR, uitgebracht door de werkgroep Rijkswaterstaat, Provinciale Waterstaten, Rijkspolitie en VOR.


A working group of the traffic accident registration was installed with the task to evaluate the wanted form of the output and to study the possibilities for the provision in special cases. The main problem was the exact determination of the accident location. Maps were made and recommendations were presented to improve the information for the exact location. Furthermore specifications are given for tariffs, output and tabels.

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Library number
B 30256 /81 /

Heerlen, Dienst Verkeersongevallenregistratie VOR, 1978, 90 p.

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.