Reduced response readiness delays stop signal inhibition.

Wildenberg, W.P.M. van den Molen, M.W. van der & Loga, G.D.

This study examines the effect of response readiness on the stopping of motor responses. Thirteen subjects performed a primary task requiring a speeded choice reaction on go trials and response inhibition on nogo trials. An occasional cue informed subjects that a nogo trial was imminent but left them uncertain about the number of go trials separating the cue and the upcoming nogo trial. This set-up was meant to create test episodes of reduced response readiness (i.e., trial sequences initiated by the cue and terminated by the nogo signal) and control episodes, in which subjects were ready to execute a speeded choice reaction (i.e., trial sequences consisting only of go trials). During both episodes, a visual stop signal could occasionally and unpredictably follow go signal onset, instructing subjects to withhold their response to the go signal. Choice reactions on go trials were delayed during test episodes relative to control episodes. Most importantly, stop reactions were delayed, not facilitated, during test episodes compared to control episodes. These findings were taken to suggest that reduced readiness gives rise to more forceful responses that are then more difficult to inhibit. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20021671 ST [electronic version only]

Acta Psychologica, Vol. 111 (2002), No. 2 (September), p. 155-169, 29 ref.

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