Reduction of car use : instruments of national and local policies : a dutch perspective. Paper based on a contribution to the OTB workshop `Control of car use : fact or fiction ?'.

Priemus, H.

The use of cars has positive and negative effects. The advantages of driving accrue largely to the driver, and the disadvantages to others. The negative external effects of driving, which encroach on the sustainability of the community, yield sufficient arguments for restricting car use. In this contribution attention is focused on what instruments can be used by national and local governments to promote a reduction of car use. Income growth, demographic developments, and social-cultural factors generally stimulate the use of cars. Four categories of policy instruments are being considered to curb car use: (1) push instruments (such as price measures, parking regulations, and speed policy); (2) pull instruments (such as the improvement of public transport facilities); (3) physical planning instruments; and (4) communication and information instruments. Current policy ambitions in the Netherlands are summarised. Central government wants to restrict the growth of car use in 2010 in respect of 1986 to 35% (a halving of the expected growth of 70% if no measures are taken). This policy has not yet been very successful. Price measures (excise duty on fuel, charges for parking and road use) seem to be effective when the price increases are considerable. Influencing travelling time (quicker public transport, slower car traffic) could also be effective. Another strategy is the promotion of multimodality (car-bicycle, car-public transport, bicycle-public transport, etc) by improving park-and-ride facilities and the co-ordination between timetables and information to public transport users. The development of a programme of experiments to reduce the growth of car use is suggested. (A)

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Library number
C 11019 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 877003

Environment and Planning B; Planning & Design, Vol. 22 (1995), No. 6 (November), p. 721-737, 34 ref.

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