Reduction de la pollution de l'air par utilisation d'un reacteur sur le moteur rotatif Ro 80 = Abgasentgiftung des Ro 80-Kreiskolbenmotors bauart NSU-Wankel durch Nachverbrennung = Air pollution control of the Ro 80-rotary engine, system NSU-Wankel, ...

Basshuysen, R. van

NSU contemplated engine modifications which reduce the HC proportion, but led to a compromise that was unacceptable for the normal service of the vehicle. After catalysers, the reduction of pollutants by direct afterburning was examined.

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Library number
A 5348 (In: A 5342 I) IRRD 56507

In: Proceedings from the 13th FISITA congress, 1970, p. 15.3.B

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