Registratie ambulancevervoer in de provincie Groningen. Periode 11 november 1974 t/m 2 februari 1975).

Staatstoezicht op de Volksgezondheid, Stafafdeling Epidemiologie en Informatica

In the province of Groningen a registration is made of ambulance-transport during the period November, 11 1974 till February, 2, 1975. In total 5693 ambulance-itineraries were made, from which 1612 (28%) were emergency cases. From these 1612 were 21.3% for traffic accidents. The average time from the beginning of the journey to the hospital was 26 minutes.

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Library number
B 7691 /84.2/

Leidschendam, Ministerie van Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne, 1975, 50 p. + app., fig., graph., tab.

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