The relationship between drivers' personality orientation and their driving attitudes and behaviours.

Pronk, N.J. & Harrison, W.A.

Survey data collected by MUARC were analysed to identify possible associations between drivers' personality characteristics and particular risky driving behaviours and attitudes. Drivers' reported occupations were used to create a surrogate measure of their personality orientation. This work was conducted in part to confirm earlier research results reported by the second author using a smaller sample. The data were analysed separately for male and female drivers, and significant associations were identified between male drivers' personality orientation (as reflected by their occupational choice) and various driving behaviours and attitudes. The results were less clear for the group of female drivers. Specific groups of risky drivers (based on personality orientation and reported behaviours and attitudes) were identified and discussed in terms of their personality characteristics and tendencies. (A)

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Library number
C 16282 (In: C 16271 a) /83 / ITRD E200243

In: Proceedings of the Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 16-17 November 1998, Volume 1, p. 67-72, 17 ref.

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