The relationship of traffic accidents with personality traits.

Alparslan, B. Dereboy, C. Savk, S.O. Kaynak, H. Dereboy, I.F. Cullu, E. Ozkan, I. & Ayaz, S.

In this study comparison is made of traffic accident involved drivers with non-involved drivers in terms of various personality traits and socioeconomic variables. Ninety-eight drivers consecutively involved in motor accidents within the first four months of 1997 comprised the study group, whereas 88 non-involved drivers served as the control group. The self-reported inventory of SCID-II (Structural Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R) was administered to each subject. In addition, data representing the subjects' sociodemographic characteristics, driving experience, and driving license types was collected.

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Library number
I E101668 /83 / IRRD E101668

Journal Of Traffic Medicine. 1999. 27(1-2) Pp25-30 (10 Refs.)

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