Reliable sensor deployment for network traffic surveillance.

Li, X. & Ouyang, Y.

New sensor technologies enable synthesis of disaggregated vehicle information from multiple locations. This paper proposes a reliable facility location model to optimize traffic surveillance benefit from synthesized sensor pairs (e.g., for travel time estimation) in addition to individual sensor flow coverage (e.g., for traffic volume statistics), while considering probabilistic sensor failures. Customized greedy and Lagrangian relaxation algorithms are proposed to solve this problem, and their performance is discussed. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithms solve the problem efficiently. We also discuss managerial insights on how optimal sensor deployment and surveillance benefits vary with surveillance objective and system parameters (such as sensor failure probabilities). (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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Library number
I E158251 /70 / ITRD E158251

Transportation Research, Part B. 2011 /01. 45(1) Pp218-231 (31 Refs.)

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