
experimenteel en analytisch onderzoek naar de relatie tussen remkrachtverdeling, de remvertraging en koersstabiliteit van personenauto's en vrachtauto's. Samenvatting van de research-rapporten van de Sub-commissie II van de Werkgroep "Banden, wegdekken en slipongevallen.

For a given brake force coefficient between the tyre and the road surface the maximum realizable retardation of a vehicle is dependent of the distribution of the brake forces on the wheels. Calculations are made to define to which recommendations the brake system of a car and lorries must fulfil to get an optimum effect qua retardation and vehicle handling.


Library number
B 15690 [electronic version only] /91/ IRRD 244568

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1978, 80 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; Rapport R-78-33

SWOV publication

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