Report of the economic and finance committee.


This publication consists of four reports on the following themes: (a) preliminary studies before choosing highway investments; (b) calculation of economic efficiency applied to the choice of highway investments; (c) financing of highway investments; (d) forecasting traffic on a national scale. At the end of the publication there is a french/ English glossary of terms employed specifically in the field of competence of the committee on economics and finance. A summary of the results of the committee' s work may be found in "revue generale des routes" no 519, april 1976, p 67-68. For the covering abstract, see IRRD abstract no 104484.

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Library number
C 51441 (In: B 12397 [electronic version only]) /10 / IRRD 104491

In: Proceedings of the 15th World Road Congress, Mexico, 1975, 127 p.

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