Research for a road safety campaign : accident studies for advertising formulation.

Mackie, A.M.

A study has been carried out to find whether accident record analysis and follow-up interviews with drivers involved in accidents can provide useful information for the design of propaganda dealing with specific driving situations. In this report the driving situations investigated are turning right and overtaking. Accidents within these two major categories have been further sub-divided on the basis of vehicle movement, so that the propaganda can illustrate in detail the types of accidents which occur most frequently. Follow up interviews with drivers having those types of accidents have been used to establish how the accidents occurred. These interviews have indicated lack of awareness of the presence, and to a lesser extent the movement, of other vehicles. Both physical and psychological reasons have been given by drivers for such errors. This better understanding of drivers' errors should help to make driver training and propaganda more effective. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 39116 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 201884

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1972, 19 p., 1 ref.; TRRL Laboratory Report ; LR 432

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