Research on vehicle compatibility in Japan.

Mizuno, K. Tateishi, K. Arai, Y. & Nishimoto, T.

Test procedures to assess vehicle compatibility were investigated based on a series of crash tests. This paper summarizes the research reported by Japan to the IHRA Compatibility Working Group. Based on full frontal impact tests, the force distributions to evaluate homogeneity were examined by a crash test of a large car as well as JNCAP tests. The AHOF has a correlation with longitudinal member heights and vehicle mass. A PDB test was carried out using a large car, and the deformation of the barrier was a good indicator for structural interactions. The shear connections of the front structures could be evaluated compared with ODB and full frontal tests. The results of three overload tests were examined. The maximum force and end of crash force in overload tests has a correlation with those in car-to-car crash tests, which indicated the effectiveness of this test method. For the covering abstract see ITRD E825082.


Library number
C 30852 (In: C 30848 CD-ROM) /91 /95 / ITRD E124293

In: Proceedings of the 18th International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, Nagoya, Japan, May 19-22, 2003, 12 p., 5 ref.

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