Reserapport : studiebesök pa General Motors Prooving Ground, Milford, Michigan, USA och Ford Safety Department, Dearborn, Michigan,USA, Juli 1979. (Travel report : visit to General Motors and Ford, USA, July 1979)

Lönn, C.

The National Road and Traffic Research Institute's (VTI) technical resources for collision tests are in general compatible with those of the American auto-industry. The most market difference is the calibration of test dummies where VTI totally lacks resources but where GM and Ford have invested large amounts. The calibration equipment refers to head, neck, chest and legs/knees.

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Library number
B 19865 S /91/

Linköping, Swedish Road and Traffic Research Institute VTI, 1980, 18 p., fig.; VTI Meddelande No. 185.

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