Review of developments and technical, institutional and operational requirements for traffic management across jurisdictional boundaries. Prepared for the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions DETR, Traffic Management and Tolls Div...

Maxwell, A. Wood, K. Raines, A. & Still, P.B.

The UTMC02 project for DETR is investigating traffic management across jurisdictional boundaries. The purpose of this report is to review relevant ongoing research and development and to review the technical, institutional and operational requirements of external system owners for inter-connection with Urban Traffic Management and Control (UTMC) systems. Developments are taking place in North America and in the international and European standards organisations. In the UK there have been some demonstration projects, such as MATTISSE in the West Midlands and the Highways Agency is actively developing information systems. The needs of non-UTMC authorities and the information that they could provide to other bodies have been surveyed and are reported. The conclusions of the report are broken down into four sections: the likely consequences of the current developments; the institutional; technical and operational issues that will effect the success of any system. (A)


Library number
C 15058 [electronic version only] /73 /72 / IRRD E102112

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 1999, IV + 36 p., 7 ref.; TRL Report ; No. 407 - ISSN 0968-4107

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