Review of enforcement support systems in EU countries. The "Escape" Project, Working Paper 4. Project funded by the European Commission under the Transport RTD Programme of the 4th Framework Programme.

Goldenbeld, C. Heidstra, J. Mäkinen, T. Christ, R. Papaioannou, P. Vasiliadou, J. & Gelau, C.

The objectives of the present study (WorkPackage3 -Complementary systems for effective police enforcement) are: Describe and compare EU member states regarding the structure and function of legal and administrative support systems relevant to police enforcement; Analyse and compare systems in terms of complexity, efficiency, flexibility, contributing to or hindering efficient enforcement; Describe alternatives to conventional police enforcement and how they might apply to reducing non-compliance on a EU-wide scale; Recommend legal, administrative and non-police based compliance concepts for possible inclusion in EU demonstration projects. The present document constitutes working paper 4 (Wp4). A number of the issues at hand has been dealt with in previous European projects such as GADGET, MASTER, PROMISING and SARTRE. In each chapter the existing knowledge and recommendations derived from these projects will be briefly summarised. Subsequently, the results of the present research will be added to the existing body of knowledge and potential new or supplementary insights will be examined. (Author/publisher) For an overview off all working papers and deliverables of the ESCAPE project, see

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Library number
20101187 ST [electronic version only]

[Espoo, Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT], 2000, 60 p., ref.; Contract No. RO-98-RS.3047

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