Review of four alternative airport terminal passenger mobility systems.

Leder, W.H.

United States air travel is expected to grow at high rates for at least the next decade. In 2001 there will be 807 million passengers annually, compared with 400 million in 1985. As airport terminal facilities continue to increase in size, airport planners, designers, and operators will place more reliance on passenger mobility technologies to provide an acceptable level of service to both transferring and origin-destination travellers. Four such technologies are reviewed: moving sidewalks, courtesy carts, buses, and automated people movers. Examples of installations at U.S. airports are discussed. Salient features, including advantages, disadvantages, and limitations, are identified. A set of generalised system performance criteria is presented for use as a checklist by airport planners and designers. Conclusions about the applicability of each technology are included.

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Library number
C 25903 (In: C 25885 S) IRRD 850084

In: Public transit research : rail, bus and new technology 1991, Transportation Research Record TRR 1308, p. 134-141, 2 ref.

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