Review of traffic calming schemes in 20 mph zones. Prepared for the Department of Transport DOT, Road Safety Division RSD.

Webster, D.C. & Mackie, A.M.

Traffic calming measures are used to reduce vehicle speeds and consequently accidents. To encourage the use of such measures by Highway Authorities, the 20 mph Zone initiative was introduced by the Department of Transport in December 1990. The first three zones, in Sheffield, Norwich and Kingston-upon-Thames, were implemented in January 1991 and there are now over two hundred 20 mph zones in England. This report assesses the scheme designs and gives more detailed descriptions of 6 schemes. Comparisons of `before' and `after' data for injury accidents and speeds are given as well as the relationship between accident reduction and speed reduction. The 20 mph zones have successfully reduced accidents by about 60 per cent and reduced accidents by about 60 per cent and vehicle speeds by over 9 mph. Public acceptability surveys were carried out in six zones and the reactions from residents were generally in favour of the schemes. (A)


Library number
C 8407 [electronic version only] /73 /82 / IRRD 886278

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 1996, 41 p., 23 ref.; Project Record ; S204F / TRL Report ; No. 215 - ISSN 0968-4107

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