Rijsnelheden op 80- en 100 km/uur-wegen (III)

verslag van het derde tweejaarlijkse onderzoek naar landelijk rijsnelheden op 80- en 100 km/uur-wegen buiten de bebouwde kom, uitgevoerd in 1996. In opdracht van Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.
Catshoek, J.W.D.

In this study not only mobile radars were used, as in previous studies, but also, for the first time, provincial feedback loops of fixed traffic measuring networks. The methods were treated as separate `tracks' and have not yet been compared. The radar speed measurements were carried out in nine Dutch provinces. The provincial feedback loops of fixed traffic measuring networks were used in the remaining three provinces (Friesland, Overijssel and Zeeland). Some results of the radar measurements were as follows: (1) on `motor-roads' (100 km/h limit, level crossings, now slow traffic) the average speed (Vav) was 85 km/h, and the percentage of vehicles exceeding the speed limit was 24%; (2) on 80 km/h roads (excluding rural roads), the Vav was 76 km/h, and the percentage of speed violators was 31%; and (3) on rural roads, the Vav was 65 km/h, and the percentage of speed offenders was 16%. Some results of the feedback loop speed measurements were as follows: (a) on single carriageway `motor-roads' (through and non-through traffic), the Vav was 91 km/h, and the percentage of vehicles exceeding the speed limit was 31%; and (b) on 80 km/h roads, the Vav was 82 km/h, and the percentage of speed violators was 53%. See also C 1976 (IRRD 860653) and C 3513 (IRRD 873020).


Library number
C 7530 a+b [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 890084

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1997, 70 + 140 p., 18 ref.; R-96-58A + R-96-58B

SWOV publication

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