Risico-onderzoek verkeersdeelnemers in Nederland ROVIN II. Eindrapport over het subonderzoek naar de invloed van zgn. vergeten verplaatsingen in het CBS-onderzoek Verplaatsingsgedrag.

Bruin, F.J. de

A study has been made to find out how many trip respondents forget to enter their travel diaries in the National Traffic Survey. Via an intensive after-control of the diaries it is tried to determine the forgotten trips. Thereafter the number of the forgotten trips should be translated in correction factors.There is a big doubt on the results of the study, also due to small number of detected forgotten trips, but especially by methodological problems.


Library number
B 22149 [electronic version only] /72/ IRRD 291430

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1982, 54 p., tab., ref.; R-82-32

SWOV publication

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