Risk factors for traffic accidents in childhood.

PIess, I.B. & Peckham, C.S.

Little is known about risk factors related to traffic injuries (RTI) to child pedestrians or bicyclists. Virtually all previous studies have been retrospective in design and suffer from reporting bias. This study in based on a secondary analysis of a large cohort of children born in Britain in 1958. Data about possible risk factors related to medical, developmental or psychological abnormalities and those pertaining to scholastic attainment and family factors, were assessed by home interviews, medical examinations, and teacher ratings at ages 7 and 11.

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Library number
B 25237 (In: B 25218 [electronic version only]) /83/ IRRD 801003

In; Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine.Montreal, Quebec, October 6-8, 1986, p.271-283, 4 tab.0 11 ref.

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