Is road rage a serious traffic problem?

Smart, R.G. & Mann, R.E.

In the past few years, one aspect of traffic safety, "road rage", has increasingly caught the attention of the media. There have been suggestions that road rage is a common occurrence on our roads, and that it is increasing as a result of the increasing pressures of modern society. There is no scientific basis for these suggestions. The topic is inconsistently defined, with little scientific evidence available. However, there are indications that road rage does occur, that it may not be a rare event or experience, and that it may have the potential to account for an important, if small, portion of road safety problems experienced in modern societies. Research needs are outlined. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
C 23174 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E115517

Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 3 (2002), No. 3 (July-September), p. 183-189, 40 ref.

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