Road safety and analysis in New Zealand.

Frith, W.J.

The Land Transport Safety Authority (LTSA) is responsible for road safety data analysis. The Authority hold and analyse a wide range of data, maintaining a traffic analysis system processing police reports of traffic accidents. The various databases used by the LTSA and other practitioners are discussed and possible future developments are outlined. It is mandatory to report to the police all injury accidents. Report forms are completed by the police giving details of where, when, how and why the accident happened. Coded information is entered into a computer database and the accident location electronically marked on a road map. Accidents are classified according to vehicle movements. The system is used to produce a broad statistical analysis, a medium level analysis and a detailed site analysis with a monitoring system for sites requiring remedial measures.

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C 22246 (In: C 22237) /81 / IRRD 889197

In: Proceedings of the seminar on International Road Traffic and Accident Databases IRTAD held on 11-13 September 1995, Helsinki, Finland, p. 149-160, 1 ref.

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