Road safety audit : its progress in Australia and New Zealand.

Jordan, P. & Appleton, I.

A road safety audit is defined as a means of checking the design, implementation and operation of road projects against a set of safety principles as a means of accident prevention and treatment. Potential safety problems for all road users should be addressed. The road network local to the site should also be considered to avoid the risk of accidents being migrated to a new location. The development of road safety auditing in Australia and New Zealand is described. Examples of worthwhile safety audits at Box Hill, Victoria, Australia, Camaru, New Zealand and Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK are given.

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Library number
C 19318 (In: C 19307 [electronic version only]) /10 /21 /82 / ITRD E110760

In: Proceedings of Road safety for Central and Eastern Europe : a policy seminar, Budapest, Hungary, October 17-21, 1994, p. 189-194, 10 ref.

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