Road safety framework : annual report 2015.

Transport Scotland

This is the seventh annual report for Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2020 since the Framework was published in 2009. Scotland’s Road Safety Framework (the Framework) has seen some significant developments in 2015; including a mid-term review undertaken by the Framework’s governing body, the Strategic Partnership Board (SPB). The review looks to strengthen the Framework and maintain its standing as a forward-looking document which will support vision zero: “a steady reduction in the numbers of those killed and seriously injured, with the ultimate vision of a future where no-one is killed on Scotland’s roads, and the injury rate is much reduced”. The Framework encompasses many of the key components of the “Safe System” approach to road safety, which has been adopted by a number of nations with the best performance in terms of road safety. The system accepts that human error dictates road collisions will never be completely eradicated; therefore, all measures are targeted at ensuring death and injury are mitigated as much as possible. The Safe System approach sets interim casualty reduction targets and identifies outcomes to support their delivery in moving ultimately towards vision zero. Scotland has challenging casualty reduction targets: 40% reduction in fatalities; 55% reduction in serious injuries; 50% reduction in fatal child casualties and 65% reduction in children seriously injured by 2020. The review has identified overarching outcomes for priority focus areas, and that the Safe System should be formally adopted going forward to 2020. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20160276 ST [electronic version only]

Edinburgh, Transport Scotland, 2016, 39 p. - ISBN 978-1-909948-71-6

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.