Road safety policy in the Netherlands: facing the future

Published in Annales des Ponts et Chaussées, nouvelle série no 101, janviers-mars 2002
Wegman, Fred; Wouters, Peter
Recently new targets for reducing the number of road accident fatalities and serious injuries have been set in the ‘National Traffic and Transport Plan for the Netherlands, 2001 - 2020' (NVVP). To meet these targets (related to 1998 data), important elements of the present-day national policy, as formulated in the NVVP, are going to be the cooperation between and the sharing of responsibilities among all parties involved in traffic and transport policies, and a much intensified implementation of the long-term road safety approach of ‘Sustainable Safety’. In this article the concept, elaboration and implementation of Sustainable Safety is described.
Report number
SWOV, Leidschendam

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