Roads policing : current context and imminent dangers.

Corbett, C.

This paper will argue that roads policing is the public face of the police for many citizens, and thus, enjoys an elevated profile. Yet, the delivery of roads policing services requires urgent care and attention. As was the situation a century ago, potential and actual conflict with the driving public could be close at hand, as more reliance is placed on enforcement technology resulting in more vehicle movements being logged and more drivers becoming criminalised. Indeed, it will be contended that unless great care is taken, such could be the public disaffection with traffic law enforcement and monitoring policies that the legitimacy of the police itself could be challenged. After a brief update of recent developments concerning roads policing nationally and internationally, the second section will underline the ways in which roads policing provides a crucial service. Details follow of dangers lying in wait for the service if the pressing enforcement issues around roads policing are allowed to drift. Finally, some suggestions are outlined to help inform discussion of these matters that could simultaneously facilitate achievement of other key objectives of roads policing. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20080625 ST [electronic version only]

Policing: a Journal of Policy and Practice, Vol. 2 (2008), No. 1, p. 131-142 / Policing : a Journal of Policy and Practice, 2008, January 11, [Epub ahead of print], doi:10.1093/police/pam071, 12 p., ref.

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