Rock slope risk assessment.

McMillan, P. & Nettleton, I.M.

The management of rock slopes requires knowledge of their location, traffic levels and other geometric parameters as well as the level of the hazard posed to the road user. This information can then be used to prioritise remedial action. This report details a system that was developed to allow such assessment and prioritisation on the Scottish road network. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 50612 [electronic version only] /43/ 51 /20

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 2011, VI + 133 p., 31 ref.; Published Project Report ; PPR 554 - ISSN 0968-4093 / ISBN 978-1-84608-972-5

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.