The role of problem awareness in willingsness-to-change car use and in evaluating relevant policy measures.

Steg, E.M. & Vlek, C.A.J.

In many countries of the world, the use of motor cars has grown rapidly during the past decades. The ever increasing number of cars and their daily use has led to serious problems of accessibility, quality of life, and environmental quality. It appears no longer helpful to only consider technical and road-infrastructural solutions to these problems; the effects of these tend to be overtaken by expansion and intensification of human mobility and motorised transport. Effective solutions of these problems require significant reductions in the volume of car traffic. The authors have investigated people's willingness to reduce car use in the Netherlands and the public support for policy measures aimed at reducing motorised traffic.

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Library number
C 11319 (In: C 11271) /10 /72 / IRRD 899055

In: Traffic and transport psychology : theory and application : proceedings of the international conference on traffic and transport psychology, Valencia, Spain, May, 22-25, 1996, p. 465-475, 10 ref.

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