Role of risk-assessment in policy development and decision-making.

PIARC Technical Committee 1.5 Risk Management

In the context of its 2012 - 2015 work program, PIARC has identified the Role of risk assessment in policy development and decision-making as one of its key issue under the theme TC 1.5 Risk management. This report thus provides a portrait of both the present penetration of risk management policies across countries that were surveyed as well as a snapshot of some of the most advanced risk management policies and practices in the world. The main conclusion from the survey is that although most organizations feel they have either a proactive management strategy of their road projects, not all have formal risk management policy or processes defined throughout their whole organization. As for road operation and maintenance, management strategy is still mostly relying on reaction and prevention. There is still work to be done in order to better anticipate and integrate associated risks (for example risks associated with ageing, changes in natural hazards, problems associated with decisions processes, etc.), in these activities. All the results show that there remain quite some efforts to be made to ensure risk management does not only reflect a particular individual or services perspective and initiative, but is formally attached with the organizations objectives, key issues, tolerance thresholds risk treatment strategy. This workgroup recommends that further studies should be pursued to identify and analyse success stories of broad risk management policy implementation across all road management activities. By doing so, the analysis could provide all required elements to promote this often overlooked but essential activity for the sustainable development of our road assets. For the Appendices, see,2016A09EN-Risk-Ma…. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20170117 ST [electronic version only]

Paris, World Road Association PIARC, 2016, 54 + 98 p., 44 ref.; 2016R09EN - ISBN 978-2-84060-388-7

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