The ROMANSE (ROad MANagement System for Europe) project.

Mansfield, R.

Four main areas of the ROMANSE (ROad MANagement System for Europe) project based in Southampton are discussed. First the Traffic and Travel Information Centre collates information to provide a comprehensive picture of the transport network conditions in real time. The use of the Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel and cable television is outlined. Secondly, the Strategic Information System will provide a single geographic referencing system. Thirdly, a number of measures are aimed at increasing the use of public transport. This includes a bus location system and information displays at bus stops. Finally, the existing urban traffic control system SCOOT is being upgraded to SCOOT 2.4 and a network of variable message signs for route guidance and parking will be introduced. The monitoring and evaluation programme is outlined.

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Library number
C 20700 (In: C 20695) /72 /73 / IRRD 866032

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 38-43

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