Safe lanes on campus : a guide for preventing impaired driving and underage drinking.

Zimmerman, R. & DeJong, W.

The 1990s saw rising concern about heavy drinking at institutions of higher education and the risks alcohol consumption poses to student health, safety, and academic success. This manual is a response to requests from college and university administrators for guidance in preventing two of the most serious problems related to student alcohol consumption: (1) driving under the influence (DUI) and (2) alcohol use by students under the legal drinking age. Awareness programs to inform students about the risks associated with alcohol use are familiar on the higher education scene. Experience has shown, however, that the link between providing basic information and reduced substance use is tenuous. The most promising approach to preventing alcohol problems on and around campus is a broad-based and comprehensive effort to change the physical, social, legal, and economic environment in which students make decisions about drinking. Accomplishing change of this magnitude requires a new type of towngown partnership: a wide spectrum of campus and community leaders dedicated to shaping an environment that helps students make healthier choices. The operative word is change. Applying the prevention strategies introduced in this guide must start with a commitment to change by the senior administrators, faculty, and staff who are the principal custodians of the nation’s colleges and universities. Likewise, a similar commitment must be made by students, many of whom recognize the price they are paying by fostering or acquiescing to a culture of high-risk drinking.There must also be a commitment to change by community leaders and law enforcement agencies, whose actions influence both how much alcohol students consume and how they behave while drinking. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
C 28845 [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, Office of Research and Traffic Records, 2003, 60 p., 78 ref.

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