Safe Performance Curriculum for secondary school driver education : program development, implementation, and technical findings.

Riley, M.C. & McBride, R.S.

To determine the effectiveness of a model driver education curriculum in leading to safe vehicle operation among beginning drivers, the Safe Peformance Curriculum, based on instructional objectives derived from analysis of the driver's tasks, was developed and pilot tested. Students were randomly assigned to one of the following: a Pre-Driver Licensing (PDL) course (instruction in the minimum requirements for a license), Safe Performance Curriculum (SPC), or a control group (no formal instruction). Intermediate criterion measures of performance, knowledge, skill, and attitude were administered to students in the first two groups. Program effects were measured in terms of curriculum (SPC versus PDL), sex and scholastic achievement level. Evaluation of knowledge and performance measures indicated a general trend toward higher scores by the SPC students, by students in the upper half of their class, and by male students. Recommendations are for further revision of the intermediate criterion measures and for a follow-up study. Appended material (158 pages) includes program test forms (with administration procedures and answers), SPC unit test results, basic skills range test analysis of variance source tables, and project staffing requirements. (Author)

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Library number
B 8313 [electronic version only] /83.5/

Alexandria, Human Resources Research Organization, 1975, 270 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; DOT HS 801 491 / NTIS PB-241210.

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