Safer Journeys action plan 2016-2020.


This is the third and final action plan for Safer Journeys, New Zealand’s road safety strategy to 2020. Safer Journeys is New Zealand’s road safety strategy for 2010 to 2020. It establishes a vision of “a safe road system increasingly free of death and serious injury”. Developed in 2010, Safer Journeys creates a framework for how road safety is managed across all parts of the road system: roads and roadsides, speed, safe vehicles, and road use. Priority is placed on areas with the most potential to reduce death and serious injury. The Safer Journeys strategy is based on the Safe System. This approach aims for a more forgiving road system that takes human fallibility and vulnerability into account. Under a Safe System we design the whole transport system to protect people from death and serious injury. This is the third and final Action Plan for the Safer Journeys Strategy 2010—2020. Significant progress has been made under the previous two Action Plans, particularly in improving the safety of young drivers, and reducing impaired driving. Many of the initiatives will continue: they have become a core part of the policies and decision making of various agencies. However there still remains a number of areas where progress towards a safe road system would benefit from more momentum. The Action Plan 2016—2020 is designed to renew focus on these areas. In particular, this Action Plan’s focus is to: * Enable smart and safe choices on the road; * Make motorcycling safer; * Ensure roads and roadsides support safer travel; and * Encourage safe vehicles. Each of these four new actions is expected in the long term to significantly reduce the numbers of people dying and suffering serious injuries on our roads. The actions focus extra effort where existing or planned work: * does not adequately address the level of risk (including for motorcycling, urban road safety, and vulnerable users) or * does not take advantage of emerging safety opportunities (such as safer choices and safer vehicles). (Author/publisher)


Library number
20160460 ST [electronic version only]

Wellington, Safer Journeys, 2016, 24 p. - ISSN 2324-3856 (Print) / ISSN 2324-3864 (Online)

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.