Samen op zoek naar aansluiting : Onderzoeksprogramma voor Personenvervoer van Deur tot Deur van Connekt. Studie verricht in opdracht van het kenniscentrum Connekt.

Andersson, P.C.

This report contains the outline of a Dutch research programme for "Passenger Transport from Door to Door" for Connekt. Based on an analysis of the strategic environment, gaps in knowledge and the problems surrounding chain transport, the following five research proposals have been chosen: (1) Passenger service from door to door (forms of "Mobility Provision"); (2) Multimodal transfer points; (3) Improvement of the coherence between transport systems; (4) Improvement and development of transport systems; and (5) development of the role of government authorities. The research proposals contain fundamental and applied research, as well as a number of potentially successful pilots. (A)

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Library number
C 14608 [electronic version only] /72 /10 / IRRD E201691

Delft, TNO Infrastructuur, Transport en Regionale Ontwikkeling INRO, Afdeling Vervoer, 1999, X + 34 p., 10 ref.; TNO-rapport Inro Vervoer 1999-15 / 99/NV/206 - ISBN 90-6743-609-7

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